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3 min read

Landlord and Tenant Responsibilities

There are many rights and responsibilities of landlords and tenants.

You might think that as a tenant, your only obligation is to pay the rent on time. But, just as the landlord has their responsibilities, so do you.

However, many people are still in the dark about landlord duties and their tenant obligations. To try and help, we’ve put together a list of landlord and tenant responsibilities.

Landlord duties

Your landlord’s responsibilities are partly stipulated by the law, and partly by what you have agreed in the tenancy agreement. Their responsibilities include, but aren’t limited to:

  • Maintaining the property so that it’s in a good livable condition
  • Ensuring the property is safe and free from any health hazards i.e. mould and damp or overcrowding
  • Ensuring proper installation and good working order of all gas equipment
  • Maintaining all electrical equipment to prevent danger. As a rough guide, you would expect an electrical installation check at least every five years
  • Properly fitting the property with working smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors
  • Supplying you with the property’s energy performance certificate. This contains information about the property’s energy use and energy costs 
  • Providing you with evidence that your deposit has been placed in a government approved tenancy deposit scheme. This is essential to make sure that your deposit is protected
  • Checking to ensure you have the right to rent their property
  • Making sure you have a copy of the government’s how to rent checklist, prior to you moving in. This ensures you understand what to expect when renting their property, outlines your responsibilities as a tenant, defines their duties as a landlord, and explains how to handle disputes.

Get a Health & Safety checklist

Ensure you are fully aware of your landlord’s responsibilities in terms of health and safety in your rental property – download this checklist to help you!

Phil Specner's Checklists
Sign up (it’s Free!) to download your copy of the Tenants Health and Safety Checklist

Tenant responsibilities

You, of course, have your rights, but you also have your responsibilities. If you fail to meet these responsibilities, the landlord can evict you. Your tenant obligations can include:

  • You must allow your landlord access to the property in order to carry out any maintenance and repairs. The landlord has to give you at least 24 hours’ notice beforehand, and their visit must take place at a reasonable time of day – the only exception would be an emergency situation
  • You must occupy the property as a tenant, not as the owner, which means you are responsible for reporting all damage and taking care of the property. You should treat it as your own, keeping it clean and tidy, whilst being mindful that you’re only renting it
  • You should pay the rental amount you agreed in your tenancy agreement, when you agreed to pay it by. Even if the property requires maintenance work. You don’t have the right to withhold rent, as this puts you in breach of your tenancy agreement, and could result in you being evicted
  • Unless otherwise stipulated, you are responsible for paying all utility bills and council tax bills, or the providers may cut you off
  • Normal wear and tear of the property is something the landlord has to deal with. However, any damage you do to the property is your responsibility to rectify, either by repairing it yourself, or paying for someone to fix the damage
  • You cannot sublet the property unless the tenancy agreement or your landlord gives you permission to do so
  • If you’re renting with pets, this must have been agreed by the landlord.

Renting in a new area? Find out all you need to know with a Phil Spencer’s Property Report, with information on everything from schools to crime rates. Find out more here.

Last Updated: January 24th, 2025