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Online Property Auctions

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Selling a home in today’s market can be tough. There are so many hoops to jump through, and the process is slow. If you’re looking for a way to sell your house quickly without sacrificing too much of its value, it might be worth considering an online property auction. We can connect you with our supplier GOTO below.

Online Property Auction

For selling property

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How does it work?

Once you’ve submitted your details, you’ll be connected with an expert team. GoTo will contact you directly to discuss your sale and answer any questions.

GoTo links sellers with agents, providing a transparent platform for everyone involved. All you need to do is input the necessary information, such as your address so prior pricing can be carried out, and they’ll do the rest!

The process with viewings and advertising is the same – it’s simply the bidding process that’s different. Everything takes place online, and you can watch the bids coming in in real time.

Why online auctions? 

With property auctions, online bidding offers a number of advantages over the traditional auction method, including:

  • Increased flexibility for sellers
  • Combines the best aspects of traditional auction and private treaty sales
  • More realistic yet fixed timescales for exchange and completion (up to 56 working days from the issue of draft contracts). This allows you to attract buyers who have a mortgage to arrange, for example
  • More interest and activity than traditional auctions
  • Provides the best of both worlds: local estate agent knowledge/marketing, combined with ‘eBay’ style of selling and buying
  • Wider audience, as it all takes place online, so is accessible to more people
  • Non-refundable buyers premium to provide security
  • Allows things to move more quickly
  • Overseen by a concierge team, everything from setting reserve price to advertisement. They’ll also provide feedback
  • Assistance during exchange and completion
  • ‘No sale no fee’ option
  • Less chance of things going wrong

Need more help?

We’re here to help sellers with everything they need – from start to finish. We have a full suite of selling tools to ensure things run as smoothly as possible. 
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